July demarks garlic season at Round the Bend Farm (RTB). This is a time for the fall-planted crop to be harvested, hung to dry, and garlic scapes enjoyed until the bulbs themselves harden off.

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been my go-to immune booster ever since I had children and learned about its amazing health benefits.  It has a long history of uses and is revered for its antioxidant and antiviral qualities.  In Old World tradition, an elder bush was planted at the edge of a garden as the “protector” […]

This month we have been enjoying a daily dose of the wild edible weed known as Lambs Quarters (Chenopodium album).  Yes, I said weed.  However, once upon a time, this annual weed received more respect.  Prior to the introduction of spinach from Southeast Asia, lambs quarters were the go-to-greens.  They are a genuine super-food high […]