There are many quotes we find ourselves saying repeatedly at Round the Bend Farm (RTB). Be the Change you want to See in the World by Gandhi, Walk our Talk, and Let Food be Thy Medicine and Medicine be Thy Food by Hippocrates are just a few of the most common. Hippocrates’s quote especially resonates with us as we truly believe that healthy, local food creates healthy bodies and communities. Hippocrates lived during a time in our history (born in Greece c. 460 BC – c. 370 BC) when many believed that medicine was directly linked to religion and ill health was punishment that was inflicted by the gods.
Conversely, Hippocrates, a trained physician, believed that diseases were caused naturally, not because of superstition and gods. He spent his life contending and teaching that disease was the product of environmental factors, diet, and living habits. Now, fast forward to 2015, we understand how true his message was and yet we still do not always heed the warning signs. Our lives are busy, and convenience has become all too often the message we are bombarded with by media regarding our food choices. At RTB, we want to help foster an old message in a new way. Food is Medicine- it can be convenient and even free, as you will see in some instances.
Chocolate Summer Squash Bread
How To Dry Mint For Tea
Delicious Dried Apples
By Laura Killingbeck There’s no better way to celebrate fall than with some delicious dried apples! Dehydration is the simple yet magical process of removing water from cells. When you dehydrate a fruit, you’re left with a tightly condensed package of flavor, nutrition, natural sugars, and aroma. Dried fruits are the world’s original candies! Dried […]
Infinity Seed Crackers: Live-Culture, Raw, Vegan, and Shockingly Delicious
By Laura Killingbeck Our friend Jennifer Snyder has lots of fun food tricks up her sleeves. This spring when she stayed on the farm, she made us these wonderful crackers. I call them “Infinity” Seed Crackers because you can use infinite combinations of seeds, fermented vegetables, and fresh herbs. We ate them with fresh […]
Spring Obsession Chive Pesto
By Laura Killingbeck Spring is a time of wild obsessions. The sun starts to shine brighter and flowers pop up out of nothingness. The color, fragrance, and flavors of fresh spring herbs capture our attention with a new intensity. It’s a delight to walk through the farm and see life springing forward. This year we […]
How to Turn Acorns into Pie!
How To Drink Your Garden: Water Infusions
Fresh Herb Vinaigrette
Three Ways to Eat Dandelions
Wild Edible Spotlight Lamb’s Quarters
Wild Edible Spotlight: Chickweed
Homemade Nettle Power Powder
Wild Edible Spotlight: Stinging Nettle
How to Make Homemade Beef Bone Stock
How to Make Botanical Gin Infusions
Potato in a Sandwich?? What?
Spinach Bacon Quiche with Crispy Potato Nutmeg Crust
So here on the farm we have shared meals and take turns cooking. In the winter months, it is quieter and we take a break from making breakfasts and folks fend for themselves in the mornings. This week we started back up with community breakfast since we are getting back into our busy season. To […]
Yeast Gone Wild: A Sourdough Recipe!
By Laura Killingbeck Over the years we’ve been making a variety of breads with wild yeasts. But lately our sourdough starter hasn’t seen a lot of action. Luckily, this Fall our friend Jen Snyder popped by the farm and gave us a fresh starter and a fresh start at crafting sourdough loaves. After an afternoon […]
How to Eat Acorns
By Laura Killingbeck Acorns have a long history as human food. They were eaten widely by Native Americans, and are still a food source in a number of places around the world. Acorns are used globally in breads, sweets, pastas, and acorn tofu. This year we had an amazing acorn season. Every time I walked across […]
Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency
Medicinal Majesty of Stinging Nettles
Laura’s Dragonfire tincture
Friendly Dragon Pepper Mixes recipe
By: Laura Killingbeck Friendly Dragon Pepper Mixes Most people stock spicy chile powder in the kitchen. But what about a mild chile pepper powder? Peppers come in an array of flavors and colors that make delicious, fragrant, powdered spice. Red Friendly Dragon Pepper Mix Use any sweet red peppers, like lunch box peppers or bell […]
Shaun’s Liver Pâté
This dish is a wonderful way to get nutrient-dense beef liver into your diet. Shaun used grass-fed beef liver from Paradox Acres in this recipe. We recommend using a trusted grass-fed source to get beef liver. Liver is loaded with a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fat. It is particularly rich in the […]
Shaun’s reflections on “Food As Medicine” Class
By: Shaun Van Laarhoven This past winter I had the opportunity to take Jade Alicandro Mace’s, Community Herbalist “Food As Medicine” three-series class held at Blue Dragon Apothecary in Greenfield, MA. In my “chef role” at Round The Bend Farm I try to prepare nutritious meals for folks who live, work and volunteer on the […]
Food Is Medicine – “Beet and Carrot Salad” Recipe- Eating Raw
The days are long and everyone seems to be trying to pack as much as they can into each one. Summer is a very busy time of year and taking advantage of all the flourishing fruits and vegetables can sometimes seem overwhelming. Eating raw can be quick and simple! You don’t even need to turn […]
Food is Medicine – Bone Broth
I know what you are thinking; here it comes again, another blog about bone broth. Why is this stuff suddenly the rage? Why is everyone suddenly so enamored with this stuff? And how is it any different from regular broth or stock? Well, these are all good questions and hopefully, this Bone Broth blog will […]
Food is Medicine – Herbal Tonics
Food is Medicine – Kimchi
Kimchi is a fermented dish made with vegetables and an assortment of different seasonings. Koreanculture is big on this side dish, making it their national dish and holding an annual kimchi festival.
Food is Medicine – Fire Cider
Food is Medicine – Garlic
July demarks garlic season at Round the Bend Farm (RTB). This is a time for the fall-planted crop to be harvested, hung to dry, and garlic scapes enjoyed until the bulbs themselves harden off.
Food is Medicine – Elderberry
Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) has been my go-to immune booster ever since I had children and learned about its amazing health benefits. It has a long history of uses and is revered for its antioxidant and antiviral qualities. In Old World tradition, an elder bush was planted at the edge of a garden as the “protector” […]
Food is Medicine – Lambs Quarters
This month we have been enjoying a daily dose of the wild edible weed known as Lambs Quarters (Chenopodium album). Yes, I said weed. However, once upon a time, this annual weed received more respect. Prior to the introduction of spinach from Southeast Asia, lambs quarters were the go-to-greens. They are a genuine super-food high […]