This dish is a wonderful way to get nutrient-dense beef liver into your diet. Shaun used grass-fed beef liver from Paradox Acres in this recipe. We recommend using a trusted grass-fed source to get beef liver. Liver is loaded with a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fat. It is particularly rich in the key nutrients that help keep our brains healthy too.
Ingredients –
1 small head of garlic chopped,
1 medium onion diced,
1 beef liver cut into pieces,
3 tablespoons of fresh rosemary,
1 tsp of fresh thyme (process rosemary and thyme in a food processor or ninja),
1/4 c. Dijon mustard
4 tbs beef tallow ( or butter)
Instructions – 
Heat rendered beef tallow and cook the beef liver. Add in the onion and garlic and cook until soft and herbs (add herbs when the garlic and onion are almost done). When all cooked and cooled slightly place all ingredients in a food processor and add in dijon mustard and salt & black pepper to taste. Process until smooth then put in a glass dish & place in fridge to cool & solidify up.